1. Go to www.caliraisedleddealers.com. Select "Create Account"
2. Create an account with First, Last, Email and Password. Then Click "Register"
3. Verify you are not a robot and then click "Submit"
4. After you submit your account email "dealers@caliraisedled.com" that you have complete the registration and and a dealer rep will grant you access to your account along with your two discount codes.
Note: YOU NEED TO EMAIL "dealers@caliraisedled.com"
After you are approved your account should log you in and you will see a page like this:
5. After you have been granted access. Click on the 3 dashes in the top right corner. This will lead you to the menu page. Click on "Dealer Info".
6. Then Click on "Read and Accept the MAP Policy".
7. Fill out the information and Click Submit.
8. You are ready to Rock and Roll! If you have any questions please email dealers@caliraisedled.com